Tuesday, March 30, 2010

sian Sian Today when going to school was in bus 187 Saw winnie jie than i msg her she go where she reply she went to jian wei and jian yuan hm. sian sia shikin jie and june jie change liao aiya no need to make small thing dun make big la pls pls
Today notting to do at aguan so i post haha. Yesterday at AL me and zhi jian go find all the thing. First first is jun wei and mingui slack than jun wei come find us. Than we all go find so we went hm than at night donno wat time cindy msg me ask me to help i go ashikin and june blog. They dunno y angry at cindy eunice and farid. Sian 2 jie n 2 jie fighting sian dun fight cn?????

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hi sorry for not posting for many many day yesterday we go JP to see movie. Than buy finish ticket we go see ashikin, june and hui shan go persing (donno know how to spell) hui shan
persie 2 hole ashikin and june persie 1 hole so we go walk walk i buy S.W.A.T the key chain nice after that we go see movie than hui shan go home. The show fun sia anytging pu. After the movie i norton jun wei and zhi jian say want slack than go hm wtf

K end post by

Monday, March 22, 2010

Rianing cat And dogs

TOday i go school at 6am+ so early WTF. k skiping at school wat happen but after AL rian ver super big we play in rian got chatch by yixin jie and hui shan jie WTF k lor sorry for play in rain. Than we walk hm Who? Me Jian Ashikin Nick SHADU June than we eating right june going 7-11 to eat WTF june go pour water at me and jian FOCK


Friday, March 19, 2010


Camping is fun sleeping beside jun wei and zhi jian. Our guild is jian hong and irene there are so good went we are BBQ they give as eat n they never eat so i n jian feed them. we play n play. Adil(Toyol) see something if u know wat i saying u should know. Adil teach us tatoikn. Guild say we must perform so we sing Justin BieBer Baby. we sing sing went it was (when i was 13, i have my first Love) we go sing as (when i was 13 i have my frist sex) we laught laught go home at 12+ we go eat Macdonle so reach hm at 2.00 play sa

Ending my post here bye

Going Theam Park

Hi Sorry For not posting, on saturday we are going to theam park so i, jun wei and zhi jian meet at bus stop at 6.15 so we go inthechange. we go buy thing to eat and drink coffec and jun wei buy QOO he spill his water on the foor. so nick call us we go MRT station wait for them we wait n wait till 1 hour than they come. going to reach there, there was an aunties who is sleeping shadu go video. than we reach there mingui and nick go eat we go washroom. we reach them park like 9.57 wait till 10than cn go in we play n play till suddenly rain so we got eat than play games

Ending post here bye

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

She Is Askikin Jie

He is Norton kor Haha so funny his face Haha

she is Winnie Jie

She Is Hui Shan Jie
HI Today i never PE sian So we go hall they playing i mingui never play so we went in i saw jiali jie so i ask her Y u here she say she stomach ace so never play :(
than i looking at her she like in pain i ask her she say she ok

So we went canteen To eat.........

Going to busstop to go jurong intechange to make his bus card went we reach that wat the .... he forget to bring the paper to make the bus card so we went home. than zhi jian say han some one............ better not say

Ending my post here Bye Bye

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hi sorry for not posting. Today i buy sweet than kena catch by teacher chicken. today came home at 2pm+ sian sia feel like not going to school so tried......
Just Kidding

May be posting tomorrow

Ending post bye

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hi i today very happy because i never go eat Some one never scold me Sia. but at !pm i go eat And go find winnie jie to talk something. Naught ar jie never go AL haha nevermind i Also don't to go wat

bye end here

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hi Agian today something happen i school sia i scared that some thing wat happen to my best firend (don't to name who it was). Home Sweat Home at 12pm plus. play computer 4 1 hour. Than go fatch my sister at 4pm because she had headace

i ending my post here bye
Every Sadness is real Every Happyness Is FAKE all Sadness Are Hidden In My heart
Thx jie For Helping me Posting Thx.........

Sian today notting to do stay at home i go 7-11 later to buy thing.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

His jieh here's again ..
Didi was nort free so i help him post ..
Nothing tuhh elaborate, just that ..
Didi, Study hard .. Work hard and play hard ..
Hahahas, Shall end here ~

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hahahs, her jiehjieh here ..
Helping didi tuhh post his blog ..
Di, donn be sad la .. Cheer up ^.^
Youhh like lion dance next time i tell Jianyuan (Kor) tuhh teach youhh, since youhh like so much ..
Short post, end here .. :D

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hi today mornig somthing happen............. I never eat Just joking i have

Notting much today Bye Bye]