Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hi everyone sian Today cindy jie never come very sian jie Take care Get Well fast k

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I may Not Going to post for 1 week because i need to study hard k Bye Bye

Friday, April 16, 2010

yesterday sport day when haqiz running his leg pain i sub with him went is 8 * 50 i saw jiali jie and yixin jie run so fast than my turn we run win 2nd monday getting the medal so happy 1st time getting
sian ar the new come give 2/1 alot of stress like me(lonely di) zhi jian also hui shan also wtf so many sia i wish my test cn pass

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sian Ar How got many problem sia i wish cn come to end. tomorrow meet norton kor n zhi jian Than Go me cindy jie. My birthday come 9 of may who want to go out with me

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sian Today I very stress till Cnnot Study. Maths lesson many mistake I NEVER MAKE SO MANY MISTAKE. than One thing that cn cheer me up is Soccer i play than i cn feel happy, Tomorrow never go school If who want to know pls Ask Shereen jie, Azlin, Cindy jie And faiz. NoW i VERY STRESS WHO CN HELP:( Stress lonely boy
:( :(

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sian Sian Now I even MORE STRESS than ashikin, First is jiali jie n yixin jie become enemy. than ashikin jie msg me Ask Me who will u choose Cindy, Eunice or Her. than i never reply To ashikin Jie ( jie is not i dun want i dun not wat to do later they angry war i very very stress. than just now 9pm eunice msn me say if U Choose Ashikin jie, Or cindy jie i will end this friendsship. War sian wh cn help me :( now i am so sad than if i choose who they will end this firends ship

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yo yo. Today we are going to speech day first i meet jun wei and go jian house he play SA . Than we go near by the school to eat after we met at busstop we saw ms kaur than we stout oh ms kaur than met cindy because she donno how to go. We reach that my number is 63 jun wei 63 he is the first than see wusu than got one boy fight like monyet

Ending post by xiao bu dian, lonely di

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Sian Yesterday recess saw jiali jie crying she sit so far away from yixin i don't understand WHY? so i go ask hui shan hear than jiali jie quit vollyball that WHY make this happen. TO yixin JIe And JiaLI JIe, jie pls dun fight cn i stand in the midder cn't take it and i dun't like to see ur like enemy


I cut the fuCKing Hair sia like shit lucky faris same as me today happen something AYIA i better be a good boy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Yo Yo YO dun play play ar i pro ar Just kidding =) today never play basketball, sian norton kor never come sian sia he never come. kor kor must get well ar =). we 1pm go off becaue we go cycling at east coast park funny sia at bus we shake the bus the old man scold us sia. play poker with jun wei than riding fun sia adia(toyol) his bike keep broke down than we wait and wait far sia went we reach our destion see people fishing 1 people caught be fish
than ride back. after tan go hm play SA with Farid sniper match 1/5 haha i blue team i win him

bye ending post

Monday, April 5, 2010

Today we Al Play soccer fun sia Syawal pump the boy fly. Zhi jian also than plsy plsy i got injure 3 time pain sia than rian. we go back than went hm about 4+ than play SA sia la Farid Pro Sia

Ending post here bye
