Today i woke up at 5.40 go jian hm meet him than go find naz together go school.
next reach schol dance for awhile and do my homework than teacher came shit la havent do finish than i go.
teacher ask me to wait i say for, than she ask me do u know wat happen to jerry i say the story
next go hall sit for awhile than go class at class gave shereen a letter
than science I jian and cindy never do homework and jun wei use phone jian and i say phone phone than teacher take away
Cpa we went computer lab do comeputer thing than very cold
after this is eating time i dun l know how to spell ressce ar
than i ask jian waant eat i go buy stand be hind shereen he say dun want i buy finish he say sia la never call me i say just now i call u dun want go
he scold jun wei i call u never pick up jun wei say my phone at teacher there than jian say ya hor
after this CME say about jerry thing
After Cme is SS do thing than talk to cindy
than is math do homework teacher say see show after sleep
English i wake up i canot sleep sia
than sicence teacher came
junwei ask jian follow me go find teacher la jian say dun want la
go eat find senior than never dance play lion dance than jun wei msg the thing say he cannot go out and remeber to bring HE thing
than go mac than talk follow shiikin go mrt the elmo for get to take hahah
end here bye
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